Neither Mermaid nor Whale… Only Human!

Last week, my friend forwarded a facebook post in our whatsapp group saying that it was one of the best posts she had read in a while. I was curious, so I read it and realized that it was a response that a woman gave to an advertisement outside a gym somewhere. The advert read, ‘This summer, do you want to be a mermaid or a whale?’

This is her response :

Initially it may seem like a fitting response to a silly and misleading piece of advertisement, but logically it isn’t. It is a smartly articulated emotional retaliation and come to think of it, is misleading too. I will explain how.

But, first things first, a disclaimer:
I have nothing against fat people. I don’t mock or ridicule anyone based on their body shape but since I am a health and fitness enthusiast, I advocate health and fitness and if at all, it’s only concern that I feel.

Now let me elaborate the ‘concern’ part –

Coming back to why the lady’s response is misleading – She gives the impression that we must be okay and even proud of the excess fat in our bodies. It’s a debatable topic this one and I disagree. This post will tell you why. [Please read on and don’t give up on me, I can guarantee some really helpful information].

Whales are supposed to look and be the way they are! There are no slim whales unless they are acutely malnourished. Humans on the other hand are humans and we are supposed to store fat only as reserves for whenever there is food deprivation. The reality is that the urban human or people like us are never deprived of food. So because the body knows only how to store fat or burn it, the latter doesn’t happen as long as we are replenishing it with carbs all the time(the body uses carbs for energy and fat keeps getting stored).

Now there is a magic hormone called Insulin that stores fat and helps move glucose into cells. Hormones work only in spurts(when there is a need) and not all the time; so the minute we eat carbs which turns into glucose in the body, insulin is stimulated and released in the bloodstream. Therefore, and it’s only logical that when we stop eating refined sugars and carbs, insulin doesn’t get stimulated and the fat in our body burns.

So, if we understand and control insulin, we can then control whether we store or burn fat and whether we gain or lose weight. The problem is that many of us are in a state of near constant insulin production (Hyperinsulinemia). How do you suppose this happens? You are right! We eat carbs all day which in turn leads to insulin becoming a constant instead of getting stimulated in episodes.

When we stimulate insulin production by eating carbs all day long, we are putting immense stress on our body’s ability to deal with the hormone and as a defense/repair mechanism which our bodies are inherently designed to do, it starts to correct the problem by becoming insulin-resistent. By this time we know that insulin signals our cells to open up to sugar(glucose) and convert it into energy. With insulin resistance, the cells don’t react, and don’t open up, resulting in excessive sugar in the blood. Over time, the pancreas keeps producing more and more insulin in its attempt to regulate the blood sugar, until it wears out and can’t produce large amounts of insulin anymore. As a result, blood sugar levels increase to the point of being in the diabetic range and this is the primary reason and what causes type 2 diabetes.

Now the carbohydrate supply doesn’t stop so the body can only keep storing fat and the fat cells start getting bigger and bigger, the person fatter and fatter. Since the cells are becoming insulin resistant, there is glucose everywhere and the cycle continues. Hyperinsulinemia also causes the body to crave for sugar. When glucose dips, the body will start sending signals like fatigue, craving for carbs, dizziness etc. The body is so used to burning glucose due to the constant supply of carbs that it cannot switch over to burning fat efficiently. This state is what causes people who are trying to lose weight give up the idea as they feel hungry more often and eat food at regular intervals and in turn, continuously fuel the insulin-carbs-glucose cycle.

So, in order to lose weight, we need to become efficient fat burners and this happens only when we restrict carbs and sugar intake aided by intermittent fasting*. If you’ve wondered why you are working out regularly but still not LOSING WEIGHT… exercise alone plays a very small role in weight loss, the majority is the food that we eat. However, exercise and physical activity are very important for our overall well being, to aid our bodily functions and to keep our muscles moving because if we don’t move them, they stop moving.

– *What is intermittent fasting?
‘Intermittent fasting is an eating pattern that alternates between fasting and time-bound eating periods.’
There are several types of intermittent fasting patterns of which the 16:8 intermittent fasting is the most common. It is 16 hours of fasting followed by an eight-hour eating period.

What does intermittent fasting actually do?
Restricting food(calories) intake for extended periods forces the body to break down stored body fat to generate energy (when the body uses the fat reserves for energy due to carbs deprivation, it is said to undergo ketosis). ‘This promotes weight loss, enhances metabolic health and supports balanced hormone levels.’
I try to do the 16:8 intermittent fasting on most days but it ends up becoming 15:9. Initially, I used to get hunger pangs but once I got used to it, I didn’t.

At the end of the day, the takeaway is that ‘we were never meant to be fat.’ Well, it is wonderful to be confident about the way we look and not be stressed about achieving the perfect figure or size zero (if there is anything like that!). But, our confidence shouldn’t cost us our well-being, as excess body fat is often an easy gateway to lifestyle diseases and other complications. We must strive to be healthy and take care of ourselves no matter what. Having said that, ‘most people are overweight due to an imbalance of hormones,’ coupled with bad advice from family members, friends, sometimes doctors and nutritionists too and the media.

The good news – our body posseses a wonderful mechanism to aid fat burning. However, the first step is to understand basic human physiology. My intention to write this post was to help you do that; along with a small hint on how to lose weight😉… after all, and as rightly said by someone, ‘Take care of your body, it’s the only place you have to live.’


On a lighter note, I enjoy the ocassional chocolate… ice cream with my kids, a yummy meal, samosas, pani puri with friends and many other things. But to be able to enjoy these simple pleasures of life wholeheartedly and for long, I strive to persistently look after myself.

Do you?


Pic courtesy: Google images

This blog post is a part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.


References and excerpts: Dr. Eric Berg, Dr. Amy Shouse Filippelli and Mayoclinic on google.

51 thoughts on “Neither Mermaid nor Whale… Only Human!

  1. This post took quite a different turn from what it started out as! I think the point of her response was to call out the ridiculous comparison – not pass judgment on the merits of being ‘slim’ or ‘fat’! However, you are right – being healthy is the bottomline – slim, fat or otherwise.


  2. I admire your writing style and it really poked me to rethink about my lifestyle so that I could get back to my pre-pregnancy size. Thanks for sharing so much information in an engrossing manner.

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  3. Wow, I just read Kanchan’s post regarding post partum weight gain and now your informative post! Is the universe hinting me with some ‘gyaan’? Trust me, I would definitely be the lady who’d have argued in favour of the whales 🙂 I believe in YOLO, and I don’t obsess on fitness or encourage unhealthy weight gain, but I truly don’t care as long as it isnt affecting my daily routine and my ability to enjoy all the things I love.


  4. What a beautiful post Kaveri. Loved your writing style. I couldn’t agree with you more on the above points. I am also trying to get myself into balanced lifestyle but due to sedentary lifestyle and everyday’s pressure , sometimes I skipped my health . But thanks to you, it’s time to go back again.

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  5. I just love your post, Kaveri. The whale and mermaid anecdote is bang on. We humans are really not born to be fat. WE just need to practice moderation but we are bombarded with so many ads on food and the apps these days have added easy access to all the wrong food. I wish I could spread awareness about eating healthy and in limits.

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    1. Thank you Harjeet. You write so well and u have a great network, I am sure u can spread ‘eating healthy’ easily.


  6. Her response is hilarous, and i didnt feel like she was glorifying being unhealthy, rather pointing out that being thin wasnt the answer, enjoying your life IS .

    I believe we need to be fit, and that can be at any size, depending on each person’s body type, and this inturn helps us enjoy and be happy.

    I too am on a journey, and am trying IF, as carb control is still something i am finding difficult, but one has to start somewhere and take steps everyday.


  7. Recently I just concluded reading “Obesity Code” by Dr. Jason Fung. This felt like a crash course on that book.

    And I completely agree with your PoV on fat. Woke culture has overdone it in the west where we are okay being unfit, diabetic version of ourselves.

    However, if you remove the “P.S.” part of your friend’s post, it does somehow makes sense. Only humans complicate stuff. Whales are not happy because they’re fat. They’re happy because they don’t overthink the concept of happiness.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I strongly agree with you. Healthy lifestyle is extremely important especially after a certain age but if you not followed it from beginning it can never become a part of life and then you struggle. Have balanced diet with fitness routine is the key to healthy and happy life.

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  9. Oh, this post is something I feel so strongly about! I’m all against body-shaming but I just can’t go along with someone who says that we must celebrate being overweight. It’s not our natural tendency and can lead to serious health issues. Having dropped sizes from XL to M and being a fitness enthusiast myself, I agree that one mustn’t glorify inactivity. Be healthy and for for your own sake!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. You are right Kaveri. What we eat it all about our body. Interment fasting is the word I heard from my friends but my opinion if you able to follow lifelong do it. Otherwise make your lifestyle like that. Indulging treat is enjoying your life but at the same time you have to maintain balance too. Work out and food goes hand in hand. You explained very well.

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  11. You’re absolutely right about the importance of taking care of our bodies. Indulging in occasional treats is all part of enjoying life, but maintaining a balance is key to long-term well-being. Thanks for sharing your insights and reminding us all to prioritize our health. Let’s continue supporting each other on this journey towards wellness!

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  12. Thanks for the nice post Kaveri. First of all, I loved the poem – because I found the original advertisement on the offensive side. But I do agree fully with you – humans are not supposed to be storing excess fat. I have been lucky on the whole coz I don’t gain very easily but still I would love to reduce a few extra kilos. I was doing intermittent fasting for a few years – while I initially did lose weight initially, a few KGs crept up over the years. More recently I read Rujuta Diwekar and found myself agreeing with her viewpoint. So now I am focusing on small regular meals, and on small portion sizes.

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  13. I totally get you. I am all for body positivity but until a point. A thin person is not necessarily healthier and an bit overweight person unhealthy. Honestly, I am a part of the second group. That said, obesity does have health issues linked with it. No body positivity can save you from that.

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  14. Before I speak much about this post I would like to accept that I am trying intermittent fasting these days as I am really worried about my excess fats in my body… But but but I am really finding not much improvements that I am looking for. I cant say that I am not making efforts to burn my fats as I am really doing because I have to run after 24×7 my naughty toddlers without missing my family and work commitment. Yesterday night only I got scolded by my husband when he saw me sitting on my lappy at round 2 AM… But Kaveri I am left with no choice as to complete the task I am assigned with that time come as a way to do it work in peace as baby is sleeping and safe by side of his father. I know what my husband said is 200% correct but sometimes even if we wish to we are left with no choice and the health suffers. The sad part is when I try to explain this to my dear friends for sometimes not coming to them or talking to them for long they said I am just making words to convince as they too are doing works. I really dont know how to please my body and my surroundings to understand me and make some scope for my rest. Lack of rest is what taking my health on toll. Have any solution for this Kaveri? Plz help.


    1. I agree Samata, if u r managing a household, kids and have a job too… certain things take a back seat. I have been thru this phase in my life when I was a new mother and was working. I did nothing for my health n fitness!
      Samata, rest and sleep are as important as sunlight n oxygen for the body. Pls remember that if u don’t get enough sleep u will age faster, become duller and have hormonal imbalances in the body. I think you should sit and think deep about what are the most important things in life for you n prioritise those.
      As for the losing weight bit, if u give up on carbs for even one meal (esp. dinner), coupled with intermittent fasting, u will see significant changes. Instead of our regular rice/roti/dal meals, having salads either with eggs, chicken or fish is a great alternative for dinner.

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  15. I appreciate how you emphasize the importance of self-awareness and understanding our bodies’ needs when it comes to nutrition and fasting. Your personal experience with intermittent fasting adds a relatable touch to the discussion, showing that finding a balance that works for each individual is key.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. It sounds like you had quite the eye-opening experience after reading that Facebook post your friend shared. It’s fascinating how it sparked a debate on body image and health. It’s always refreshing to engage with diverse viewpoints and learn something new. Loved reading it.

    2 / 2

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  17. I had seen this post too social media. While I also thought that the one who posted it was not entirely wrong, I will say this: Of course, we don’t have to fret about our looks and body type, but we must always be conscious of fitness and health. If you are sure that you are healthy, then no matter how you look is fine. But just for the sake of “I don’t care how I look” one can’t eat unhealthy.

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  18. I have tried intermittent fasting, it worked for me but then something or the other keeps coming in the way, like the birthdays, anniversaries, festivals and I’m back to square one. More than losing weight I find difficult to maintain this balance.


  19. I’ve been on both sides of the body size index and it’s taken a long time to accept my body the way it is. I believe healthy habits make a healthy/fit body and that’s what I’ve stuck to in the last decade. Even if I may not look ‘thin’ or ‘fit’ I know I’m fitter than most people in my circle because I do my best to take care of my body with regular exercise and a healthy+balanced diet.
    Thanks for shedding light and sharing your thoughts on this topic which needs a lot of attention and clarification for many people 🙂

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  20. I don’t know about the gym bit, but I certainly liked the whale and mermaid analogy. I want to be fit, so your details about insulin are helpful. I must observe my eating habits more closely and bring about the much-needed change to burn fat! I exercise daily, but body’s getting slower now.

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  21. i am on the 16 hour window of it. Its been working good as of now. But as you said, sometimes I feel so overwhelmed and wanted to eat what I want, then is the day, when I usually ask my family for a eat out

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  22. Thank you for shedding light on the complexities of weight management and the role of carbohydrates in our diets.
    As someone who also enjoys occasional indulgences, I appreciate your balanced approach. Thank you for sharing your insights and encouraging us to take care of ourselves.


  23. I have gained and lost a number of times and I am aware how much what I eat helps or hurts. Plus it needs a lot of determination and will power not to eat the yummy carbs made at home everyday because I noticed that eating good healthily is expensive, especially in India!


  24. I have been on both sides of the Fat/Thin divide. Blessed with good genes, healthy eating habits, and being a doctor, I was always on the thinner side, and sometimes seven was taunted for being too bony. Then stress and a less active lifestyle because of repeated injuries caused me to gain weight and I suddenly was on the plumper side and got taunted a bit again. But being a doctor, I understand that being fat is generally an outcome of our lifestyle and genetics and can be changed to some extent but not always.


    1. Yes preeti, ‘kuch toh log kahenge, logon ka kaam hai kehena’ no matter what! Many people tell me that I have become ‘thin’… although I don’t remember when they saw me not thin… so I tell them… ‘this is by choice n yes I am toned’😀.
      And yes, I am also aware that there are people for whom shedding weight gets really difficult cuz of the gene factor… but again, it’s not impossible.


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