A Wasted Sunset


Enchanted by self the painter steps back to admire,
The bold hues of orange on his canvas white,
Wondering if his strokes did justice to recreate,
The glory of the sun on its downward glide.

Not certain, he takes a peek outdoors,
To compare the colours of his work and the real,
Taken aback by the sight in store,
He ditches his brush to watch the surreal.

Fiery tones of orange coating the horizon,
With streaks of crimson, yellow and red,
Leaving a tinge on the mountain peaks,
As the sun slowly into the valley descends.

An atmosphere of romantic bliss,
Shaped by the calm of blue hills and pines,
The silent whisper of the dusky air,
Sends a nostalgic chill down the painter’s spine.

For a minute he loses his self in ponder,
Why folks wrongly perceive the setting sun,
If it wasn’t for the blackness it made and left,
There would never be a bright new dawn!

Entranced by the breath-taking beauty abound,
An amazed sigh the painter heaves,
Ascertained that hues of a sunset true,
No painter’s brush can ever weave!

The hangover of the sight still strong,
He stares at his work half done in plight,
Unsure what colours to use to complete it,
Leaves a wasted sunset on his canvas white!


Of all the natural phenomena, sunsets are my favourite, esp. the ones back home. The beauty is such that I could watch them everday of my life. This poem is my attempt to recreate that atmosphere in words… although they won’t do justice either.

Leaving you with a few pics… so you will understand why😊




This blog post is a part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Mads’ Cookhouse.

What is Love?

‘Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more…’

Confused???… Well, the sentence above is the first thing that comes to my mind when I see or hear the question, ‘What is Love?’ Some of you who know what it is may relate to it, while others who don’t may find it amusing.
It’s a popular song of the 90s by a band called Haddaway. It goes like this… ‘What is love? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more. What is love?…’

The other day while I was pondering about how funny this is, I decided to ask the question to some people in my life and see what they have to say.

Here is a compilation of the responses that my friends and family have given to this age old question…

💌Love is the deepest form of communication that only certain individuals can share. A level of trust no third person can break. A level of intimacy beyond the physical. When a person can give his/her all without second thought… that’s love for me.

💌For some love is passion, for some care, for some it’s sacrifice and to me it’s a feeling that can’t be described.

💌Love is the physical and mental attachment to another person. Love is unconditional.

💌Love is a feeling of purity, it can be felt when all our senses are in our control and love can only be gained with no expectations.
It is a tree and it’s branches include care, happiness and harmony. Enjoying the presence of someone, showing compassion and empathy, handling conflict respectfully, fondness and admiration, willingness to apologise, respecting differences is the root that holds the tree called love.

💌Love is a complex emotion and a deep affection towards someone or something.

💌Love to me is unconditional. When you give without expecting anything in return because it brings you joy to give.
It also means standing by the individual in good times and bad, but having the guts to correct them when they are wrong.

💌Love is compassion.

💌Love is something that you feel for someone that would make you reciprocate their feelings as your own… it makes you do things that you otherwise wouldn’t dream of doing without worrying about the consequences.

💌Love is when you put someone else’s need above your own.

💌Sorry I can’t comment, I have no idea what love is.
On second thoughts, I think love is going to work everyday even when you don’t feel like cuz you need to earn and provide for your family.

💌Love is respect.

💌All I know is that I’ve been unlucky in love, or maybe I’m too selfish to love someone selflessly. That is if true love is selfless.
But a word comes to my mind thinking about the one time I did feel I was actually in love…. Bliss!

💌I can’t say what love is in words, I can only show.

💌Love is a feeling which encompasses one’s whole self. It touches the deepest parts of our soul. Love is sweet, giving and unconditional.

💌Love… hmmmm… need to fall in love first to express it.

💌For me love is when someone puts another one’s needs and happiness above one’s own.
Being able to die for another person is the ultimate form of love.
A mother’s love is the purest in my experience.

💌Love is acceptance and understanding.

💌When someone’s happiness is all that you want, that is love. If someone’s smile makes your day, that is love. When you’re talking to someone and that person starts to feel like home, that is love. If it breaks your heart when they cry, that’s love. If you only want their happiness and good health, that is love. When you like their flaws, that’s love. When they’re angry and it breaks your heart a little, that’s love and when you ask for their well-being while praying, that’s love.

💌Love is that subtle emotion that fills up the void. It can only be felt.


Some were sweet, some funny, some thought provoking, some realistic, some romantic, some heartfelt and some beautiful.
It’s amazing that every person understands and perceives the same feeling in a different way.
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed curating it…😊

So I leave you with the same question…
‘What is love?’

Pic courtesy: Google

P.S: Thank you everyone for taking out the time to share your thoughts… 💖

This blog post is a part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Make a Wish Box.