In One with Nature at Rangbul-La

Picture waking up in the morning to the sounds of a variety of birds in a mist-enveloped, enchanting, wooden cottage, nestled in the tranquil woods, with the gurgling of a mountain stream in the distant background… dream like? This is a reality at Rangbul-La, a boutique stay in Rangbul, Darjeeling, located just three flights of staircases below the main road(NH 55), and a safe distance away from the hustle and bustle of the main town. It is a place for couples, families with kids and solo travellers.

When I was home this summer, my friend Sherry and I decided to spend a night at Rangbul-La. We were planning for quite sometime for a quiet some time but it hadn’t materialised. Finally on a rainy morning we set out for our one-night stay. It wasn’t difficult finding the place as the GPS and the local transport from Darjeeling town dropped us off more or less there.

Prakriti, our friend(who also happens to be the owner), was eagerly waiting for us at the entrance but we were not interested in greeting her at all… the place looked so gorgeous and inviting that we couldn’t help admiring it first.

That’s her ๐Ÿ˜Š

The property has one main cottage with a sitting area, a dining hall and a kitchen downstairs and three attic bedrooms and a lounge/recreation room on top. In addition there is a single-room bamboo cottage and a back-packers hostel that accommodates 10 guests. We slept in the bamboo cottage and luckily we were the only guests that night so we literally had the entire property to ourselves. The day before and till many days after, the place was fully booked.

Rangbul-La is an eco-friendly retreat. Natural products like local timber, bamboo, mud, rock etc have been used in its construction along with upcycled materials such as broken marble, marble dust, broken tiles, tar, tins, thermocol, boxes, eco bricks etc. Even the wholesome meals served there are prepared using locally sourced products. 

Pic courtesy: Prakriti

If I were to describe Rangbul-La in one word, it would be ‘down-to-earth luxury’ as although it is mindfully constructed, the aesthetics exude a humble yet sophisticated charm with the choicest furnishings and decor items in the interiors and beautiful ornamental plants and flowers in the exterior. I really loved the geraniums adorning the front wall of the main cottage and the collection of healthy succulents inside. Every item is sensibly curated and finds a fitting place there. Nothing is over the top or garish. It’s the kind of place that makes your heart brim with happiness.

After taking a tour of the property and ample pictures, we settled in the sitting area in the subtly chilly evening, sipping on hot toddy and engaging in banter as well as serious conversation with episodes of laughter and pouring of emotions… I mean whatever women usually do when they meet up and are tipsy…๐Ÿ˜‰

The meals were tasty, simple and homely. The couple who look after the property were friendly and honoured our requests without hesitation. We called it a night around 10:30 which is pretty late for the hills and tucked ourselves inside the warm pre-heated bed.

We woke up relaxed and rejuvenated the next morning. After all, we were happy that our wish for some ‘quiet time’ came true, that too in the coziness of this beautiful home in the lap of nature.

Cheers to that… ๐Ÿฅ‚


P.S: This is NOT a sponsored post.


This blog post is part of the blog challenge โ€˜Blogaberry Dazzleโ€™ 
hosted by Cindy Dโ€™Silva and Noor Anand Chawla 
in collaboration with Zariya Healings.

40 thoughts on “In One with Nature at Rangbul-La

  1. What a beautiful collection of pics! I admire your each post and liked the wording you were greeted by the owner but you were busy in admiring the place. This place looks so rejunevating and peaceful. I feel like visiting it one day.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Such a great place if you need a quick escape from the bustling city. It’s the perfect way to rejuvenate, find some calm and peace. This are the places I look forward to going even just for weekends to relax.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Such a beautiful place! I love to enjoy nature by choosing to stay in such practical and eco-friendly spaces. Loved the cute cottages. I would love a night stay here too.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. The place looks absolutely picture-perfect, the kind that would relax and rejuvenate anyone in no time. It reminds me of Rakcham in Himachal Pradesh, which I visited two years ago and found incredibly serene and beautiful. I’ll definitely make it a point to check this place out the next time we plan a trip around Darjeeling. Thanks for sharing this hidden gem with us, Kaveri.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. This place looks so magical. Waking up to the sounds of birds and a mountain stream at Rangbul-La sounds like a dream come true! For once, I won’t have to be amidst the continuous honks of the vehicles. The idea of staying in a misty, wooden cottage nestled in tranquil woods makes me so happy. It’s exactly the kind of serene environment I need to recharge and reconnect with nature.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I never been to Darjeeling, though it is so close to my hometown Durgapur. But I loved this small homestay called Rangbul-La; it looks so cozy yet comfortable. I am going to stay here for a couple of days when I will be in Darjeeling. Thanks for the reco, Kaveri.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Rangbul-La looks like such a beautiful place. Though, I have never heard about it till I read your post. These places take on a stunning and breathtaking look in the monsoon. I’m sure you and your friend had a lovely time.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It’s a new place Caroline and tucked away in nature… most people like to stay in the main town… n yes, we had a lovely time.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. You should visit Mandira… anyway u travel so much… it’s bliss and away from the maddening rush of the main town


  8. The photos reminded me of our home in Nainital. The mountains are so relaxing. Fresh air. It has been a long time since I have been to Darjeeling. I would love to stay at this place.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes Madhu Ma’am, Darjeeling is too crowded anyway n u will not like it anymore… but this place is ‘far from the maddening crowd’s and bliss


  9. The place looks picture prefect. The kind that wouldย relax and rejuvenate you in no time. I will definitely be checking it out next time we plan a trip around Darjeeling. Thanks for sharing about it, Kaveri.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. What a lovely blog. My ‘to be seen’ seem to be increasing though really not sure about visiting this in west Bengal. But you surely made me sit up and take notice.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Such places are like heaven to us, who need to stay in the midst of hustle and bustle of the city for our professional calls. I wish I really wish to be at Rangbul-la very soon as I am in need of a break badly. The greenery all around which I can see on your beautifully captured pictures seems like calling me to โ€ Come and enjoy the beauty of life with us.โ€ Let my wish come true soon โ€ Amenโ€

    Liked by 1 person

  12. “We were planning for quite sometime for a quiet sometime.” I see what you did there ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป
    I’ve never been to Darjeeling and it seems whenever I do, I’ve found the perfect my kind of place to stay now. Rangbul-La, from what you’ve written about it and shared in the photos and video, which are oh-so-beautiful, sounds right up my alley.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I dream of running a place like Rangbul-La some day. I was running an Airbnb for many years but I was not living in a tourist place. The place seems to be beautiful, eco-friendly and cozy. In one with nature is an apt title for Rangbul-La. I am going to bookmark your post for future reference. Kaveri.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Rangbul-La, sounds like a desi version of Shangri-La. And your post and pictures leave me in no doubt that it is as beautiful as the mythical place described by James Hilton, one of my all-time favourite books. I’m going to put this place away in my bucket list on my next visit to Darjeeling. A night out with toddy and best friends sounds like a dream to me!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. What a beautifully written journey into Rangbul-La! Your vivid descriptions and insightful reflections make it feel like I’m right there, basking in the serenity of nature. The way you blend personal experience with the natural beauty of the place is truly captivating. Itโ€™s inspired me to add Rangbul-La to my travel bucket list. Thank you for sharing this enchanting escape with us!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. During my morning walks, I always imagine myself living in a place like that–charming, homely, no tall buildings around me, no tiring horns and cars. And then I read your post about this lovely boutique stay in Darjeeling. I really wish I get a chance to stay in such green environs more often. Lovely home.


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