Two Ingredients Coconut Laddu


Everyone who has eaten these laddus has loved them and some have asked for the recipe but disbelieved that it is made of only two ingredients… yes, ONLY TWO INGREDIENTS!
So, I decided to share the recipe through my blog and here it is:

– Desiccated coconut
– Condensed milk
See… I told you… just two things.😉

Coconut must be double the quantity of milk. For eg. for 400gm of coconut, you need around 200gm of condensed milk(I use either milkmaid or mithai mate).

– Keep aside 3- 4tbsp of coconut powder in a shallow plate.
– Mix the condensed milk a little at a time with the rest of the powder till a soft and creamy dough is formed. Please remember that we don’t need a firm dough… it must just be of binding consistency.
– Make medium sized, smooth balls of the dough with your hands(oiling your palms makes it easier).
– Roll each ball(till it is coated entirely) in the coconut powder left aside and place on a plate.
– Refrigerate for an hour to set(this step is necessary only for warm/hot places).
– Take them out after an hour and enjoy the soft, yummy, melt-in-the-mouth coconut laddus!😋

P.S: The laddus must be stored at room temperature in an air tight container and is best if consumed within five days.


This blog post is a part of the blog challenge ‘Blogaberry Dazzle’ hosted by Cindy D’Silva and Noor Anand Chawla in collaboration with Growing with Nemit.

47 thoughts on “Two Ingredients Coconut Laddu

  1. I have always loved anything coconut and knowing that I can make these amazing looking laddu with 2 ingredients is making me giddy. Fool-proof recipe for kitchen-sensitive people like me 😛

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Desiccated coconut is the disintegrated and dehydrated coconut kernel or pulp largely comprising the white portion of the kernel, after removing the brown testa or parings. It is referred to as ‘farane de coco’ in France.
      I googled for you😊.
      In India we buy it as ‘desiccated coconut’… it comes ready to use in packets.


  2. Oh, this was my daughter’s school project. She has so much fun making them although they were anything but round! This is such a yum recipe and comes together in no time.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. We Bengalees are fond of coconut narus which we mostly prepare after Dusheera/Bijaya Dashami and offer that to Goddess Laxmi on Kojagori purnima. The process we follow is little tedious one to ensure the firmness and durability of the naru. But I will love to try your process too and I believe my little one will love it and the process is also super easy. Thank you so much for the recipe. Its Yummy

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I hope you try it Samata and u will definitely like it… n maybe u will start making this one only😉


  4. Wow, now this recipe is perfect for me! Sometimes I feel lazy to make sweets, but my husband always craves them. Can’t wait to surprise him with these coconut laddus. Thanks for sharing, Kaveri.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I made this coconut laddoo when I was a kid and that was eons ago. It was always a hit and everybody loved it. The recipe used to be written on the Milkmaid condensed tin, itself.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Love how easy this is- I may try it and add a twist to it like melt some chocolate chips into the condensed milk to give it a choco kick! Thanks for sharing

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Kaveri your two-ingredient recipe made me hungry while seeing the picture. But unfortunately, I am on 75-Hard diet and working hard to shed some extra kilos. I promise I will give this as a prize when I finish my 75 days.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Kaveri, your recipe for 2 ingredient coconut laddoo did two things, firstly it made me drool, ha ha ha, and secondly, it reminded me that this was the first dessert I made when I was 8 or 9 years old.

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